Wednesday, November 7, 2012


(chics can relate :P )
Love is a lot like perm. you want it and everyone around you tells you its not a good idea. but you want it so badly you have to have it. so you get it.and once you do you wonder what all the fuss was about,i mean your hair is looking amazing n bouncy n happy n free n fresh like it has a life of its own. sadly that doesnt last forever. with time your perm gets old and if you dont take care of it, i mean even your showers have to! if you do not treat it n set it n spend endless hours in the salon trying to keep it that way,it starts changing.your hair gets weak...n starts looking horrid. so as it goes the girls start giggling  n whispering behind your back,n what once was 'wah!i wish i had that' turns into hours of mindless bitching...the boys, suddenly u r not that urgent(and whats with that?i guess its the happy confident way you looked).
and so the hair starts to fall but before it does a slew of people who have either watched too much Oprah n Dr Phil or have learnt a thing or two from a soap opera or that song playing on the radio will swoop in with tonnes of advice on how to go about fixing it n maintaining it and such.
so in your moment of desperation and having failed miserably trying to try their methods which dont work...notice how none has perfect hair?n Oprah's 'love life' n Dr.Phil, well who knows??
so your hair falls off.because it was not taken care of n it was too early for perm.
two options,wait for growth n retouch it or cut it off n maybe try again later or try a new look :) sth just for you.
dont sweat it though,we all fall and fail in love atleast once.n since life is tor living,live!love!laugh!(even at that perm which cut your hair n left you looking....).

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